Hello, my name is
Shubham Srivastava
And I'm

About me

I'm Shubham. I'm

Aspiring Full-Stack Developer, skilled in front-end web development. Well versed in coding with React.js, Redux, HTML, CSS & Javascript for the client-side, and maintaining databases and infrastructure using Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB on the server-side.

Location: Bangalore, India Email: shubhamsri0807gmail.com +91-9067153883


My skills

Programming Language:

Front-End Technologies:
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap &Javascript

Front-End Frameworks & Libraries:
React, Redux & Material-UI

Back-End Technology & Framework:
Node.js & Express.js


Other Skills :
Data-Structure & Algorithms

My projects

My GitHub

My GitHub Stats

My GitHub Contribution

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